We are accepting applications for the next academic session starting from 1st Aug 2025 in Bombay .( Bombay campus will be announced in Feb 2025)
1. No of Seats: 20 seats to be filled on an interview basis for Indian students. We have 2 seats for International students and 2 seats for management quota.
2. Eligibility Criteria: many students are looking for cinematography courses after 12th , you are at the right place . Minimum qualification is 10+2 to Learn Cinematography - for a "Diploma" certificate. Graduation in any discipline is required for a "PG Diploma” certificate. Students who are appearing for their 12th/final year exam of graduation can also apply. Course content and classroom remain the same for the main course. However, the difference will be in terms of additional classes on soft skills, which will be offered to the 10+2 pass-out students. If you are 10+2, you will get a “ Diploma in Cinematography Course” and if you are a Graduate, you will get a “PG Diploma in Cinematography Course”.
3. Selection Criteria for Course: Selection is done on the basis of an interview, which will happen on campus only. Results are declared within 7 days after the interview. Selected candidates have to submit the seat confirmation fee within 10 days from the date of declaration of the result. The students on the waiting list will be declared in the last week before the session starts.
4. How to Apply: In order to study photography in CRAFT,You need to apply online from the website given below-
The amount of Rs .1,000/- as an application fee has to be paid by Debit Card/Credit Card / UPI / Net banking. If you are coming personally to CRAFT, you can also pay in cash.
5. Last Date to Apply for Course :
We are accepting applications for the interviews to be conducted every altearnate week .Kindly note that 33% seats are filled in the in the 2 interviews held every month.Interviews are conducted in May, June, July every year.
We have allocated 10 Points for overall performance. Sincerity score: 2 points | Academic Record: 2 points | Portfolio: 2 points | Interview Performance: 4 points. The candidate needs to score a minimum of 6 points to qualify for admission in CRAFT. Hence if you are making an inquiry today, you need to apply within 3 Days to gain a Sincerity score of 2 points- which will qualify you as a “Sincere Candidate”.
6. How to prepare for an interview: The main intention of the interview board is to see whether the student is really passionate about the field of study he/she has applied for.
7. Hostel Facilities: We don’t have a hostel, but our student coordinators will help in finding economical accommodation within walking distance from the institute. It saves traveling time and cost- an average of Rs 2500/-per month!
Generally, rooms cost between Rs. 10,000/- per month which, on a sharing basis, costs around Rs. 3,000/- Rs 3500/-per month. A food joint is a nearby CRAFT where most of the students have their lunch and dinner.
PG accommodation for female candidates in safe areas costs around Rs. 10,000/- per month including food.
8.Course Fee: The total fee in lump sum mode is Rs.1,50,000/- In installments, it becomes Rs.1,55,000/.
Students who opt for the Installment method need to deposit the Post-dated cheque ( PDC ) of the below dates at the time of joining.
1) 50% of the total fee 30 days before the academic session starts.
2) 25% as 2nd installment to be paid after 1 month of starting the Academic session.
3) 25% as 3rd installment to be paid after 2 months of starting the Academic session.
9. Class Timings: Our motto is ‘Learn by Doing’. Classes take place in two shifts from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm in the 1st semester & from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm (five days a week) in the 2nd semester. We conduct daily practical work of 3 hours in our Studio. Theory class is for 2 hours, once a week and is conducted on Saturday.
10. Course Duration & Syllabus : It is a one-year full-time program. Semester two there are no regular classes. Students need to form a team with the director, and are expected to shoot 2 short films. One is Public service ad film of maximum 60 seconds and another one is fiction or documentary short film of maximum 15 minutes. Canon 5d mark 4 fitted with a luxury series of lenses are used for daily practical's and there are 2 workshops by Bombay based established cinematographers on Alexa and Red. Students are also exposed to expensive lights like Light Panel/HMI/Crane etc.Semester -1 is 6 months cinematography course,and semiter -2 is another only project during 2nd semster.
11. Workshops: Various Industry workshops by masters in cinematography are conducted by guest faculty from Mumbai film industry in CRAFT
Well know Mumbai based DOP who has come to CRAFT are followings
Cinematography master class byARVIND KUMAR: Cinematographer of Prakash Jha’s film: workshop in CRAFT FILM SCHOOL
Cinematography master class By BARUN MUKHERJEE: Pioneer Advertising cinematographers workshop in CRAFT FILM SCHOOL
Cinematography master class by VIKAS SHIVARAMAN: Pioneer in ad cinematography l : workshop in CRAFT FILM SCHOOL
Cinematography master class by PIYUSH SHAH : Cinematography workshop in CRAFT FILM SCHOOL
AMITABHA SINGH : Cinematography workshop in CRAFT FILM SCHOOL
R.M RAO: Pioneer Advertising cinematographers workshop in CRAFT FILM SCHOOL
HMI-lighting workshop
12.CRAFT’s Legal Status & Affiliation: CRAFT is registered as a nonprofit-making public charitable trust established on March 6, 2006 with Sub-Registrar in the Delhi government. We offer autonomous diploma courses. Established in the year 2006 (March 6) ,we are now 16 years old!
13. Bank Loan Provision: We do not have tie-ups with any banks, but if you apply for a Student loan. We can issue a letter required from our end.
14. Placement Support:
Students having 85% attendance in the 1st semester of 6 months will get internship support after completion of their 1-year course due to our network with cinematographers who are being featured in our 8-year " Cinematography Art Magazine".
Let me take the opportunity to give you a few reasons why you can also think of applying in CRAFT for a one year diploma.
1. Founder Director is FTII graduate in cinematography and has 12 years of work experience in the industry before starting CRAFT in delhi. Hence he has a personal network with the cinematography community in Bombay.
2. Our 5 days in a week program has 4 days Practical and 1-day theory class .
3. 10 Students practice only inside the studio like FTII.
4. We have two Industry workshops by Bombay based established cinematographers on ALEXA & RED cameras.
5. Our Quarterly Magazine “ Cinematography Art ” is 8 years old Magazine goes to 2000 cinematographers and 3000 producers/ directors of India. Hence we have a very strong network with the Cinematography community which helps students in getting the assistantship.
6. Being a non profit organization, our fee is Rs 1,50,000/- for the total one Year course in Comparison to 4 lakh plus fee of other private institutes.
7. Why waste 2 years when something can be taught in a one year crisp Program.
8. Sharing 9-videos of students working on a day to Day basis.In another mail.
To learn cinematography, students do daily pratcice in CRAFT STUDIO.
01- LIGHTING PRACTICAL.video of how are they are working:
02.CRAFT FILM SCHOOL. Lighting Exercise by CRAFT Cinematography
03. LIGHTING PRACTICAL CLASS : Sindu-Tomar Cinematography Students at
04. LIGHTING PRACTICAL CLASS : Cinematography Course.Students at Work
05. LIGHTING PRACTICAL CLASS : Cinematography Course. Students at Work
06. LIGHTING PRACTICAL CLASS : Cinematography Course. Students at Work
15: Management Quota Seats:-There are 3 management quota seats available in each course in which one can seek direct admission without an interview. One has to pay an additional Rs 20,000/-(Rupees twenty thousand)for blocking the seat besides the regular fee.
Apply Now!
CRAFT is consider as one of the Best colleges for cinematography in delhi NCR by an international website.
In meticulously compiled a list recognizing who are the "Top 4 Delhi Film Schools". CRAFT Film School for being featured as #1 on their list!
click here to read more about it
Overview: Career in cinematography
What is Cinematography? Briefly if one wants to know, what cinematography means, it is the art and science of motion-picture photography. In day to day Language, it is also called cameraman course. If you have an extrovert personally and really keen to know How to become a cinematographer, one needs to understand the responsibility of Director of Photography ( also known as DOP )
A cinematographer is responsible for composing each frame in a scene that is to be shot and deciding the lighting and camera angles according to the requirements of the director. During the Cinematography course, you will learn to lead the camera/lighting team and will be involved in the planning and execution of a shoot from the pre-production stage.
Lighting is used to change the mood of a scene or to indicate practical aspects such as day or night. Our Cinematography course will also teach you how a lighting technician arranges all the lighting effects designed by the cinematographer according to the instructions of the chief assistant cameraman. Our Cinematography study blends traditional filmmaking techniques with the latest digital video and film cinematography. We use Panasonic p-2 HD, canon 5d-mark-2,4k Resolution Camera for day to day exercises for doing "cinema cinematography".
The Cinematography course also includes screenings, lectures, and demonstrations to help you understand creative possibilities as you develop an eye for aesthetics. Students will experiment with the creative use of film lighting techniques and will learn to control the image quality. Students will shoot in the studio and on location in afternoons and evenings and would gain practical experience in various lighting situations such as day-for-night, available and mixed light, fire and candlelight, and close-up table tops.
On a daily basis, students would share their discoveries, successes, and failures as the class reviews and critiques the previous day's shooting.
CINEMATOGRAPHY WORKSHOP: There will be two 3-days workshops on various aspects of digital cinematography by industry practitioners ( who are Pune film institute cinematography graduates ) on RED/ ALEXA motion picture cameras during the course.
Various situations will be taken up by the instructor to demonstrate different ways to light them up. Possible outdoor and indoor locations in Delhi will be explored for a wider perspective on problems associated with location shooting. Students will be given typical situations for light up and will be guided by the workshop instructor. These workshops will give the students confidence and technical fineness required to shoot any professional cinematography assignment in the film and television industry.
A variety of lighting styles, like source lighting, mood lighting, stylization, glamour will be demonstrated through practical situations in the studio.Our cameraman courses will equip you for working conditions of the film Industry.
In nutshell, the job of a cinematographer is:-
• Cinematographers work both for the Film and Television mediums.
• They work together with the director of the film to understand the script and bring it to life
• They decide the position of the camera, angles, movement, framing, lighting and the use of filters and other technical details
• They oversee the work of all crew members to get the best effect and to capture the most appropriate mood
• They make creative decisions, select technical equipment and direct the photography.
• Cinematographers also take the screen test for actors.
Placement: All sincere students having 85% Attendence will be helped to get internship with cinematographer based in Mumbai/Calcutta/Hyderbad.
Why this short term course : Those who has already done some field work and now wants to refine their CRAFT or those ambitious students who are keen to go for 3-Year Degree Prog at FTII /SRFTI. This 5- Months FTII- CINEMATOGRAPHY Classroom Coaching in Delhi would be helpfull .
Clearing the written exam is not enough . One need to qualify the 2nd round of 40 students called to FTII for one week orientation and Interview round to make it in the selected 10 candidates. Which is only possible to crack it if you have some " practical experience" of working as an assistant in the industry or had gone through some level of cinematography course. To cater to this special need we have decided to offer First semester of our Regular one year course so that the students who are determined and preparing for the JET-2024 EXAM which is expected to be held in anytime between Jan-March 2024.
How frustrating it would be after waiting till June 2024, you would come to know that you are not among the 10 selected candidates list, if somehow you cleared the written exam, as you did not have the enough practical experience.
But Million dollar question is - do you have the enough preparation today to crack the written exam and final round , as and when it will happen .
5-Months classroom Coaching in DELHI.
pl note that the CRAFT is a 14 years old film school, which is offering this course since last 3 years . After having 3 years experience of training students, we have also learned many things.
In 2018, for the first time we had organized 20 days of classroom coaching for FTII entrance exam preparation. From this experience we realized that 20 days before one month of Entrance exam date is not enough, it needs at least 6 months full classroom training. Though Chetan kapri was from our classroom coaching student, but Roshan Joined Full time one year course, where he qualified for both FTII/SRFTI.
Interview of FTII 2019 Cinematography course Topper "Chetan Kapri" -
Interview of Roshan Kumar got selected in Both FTII and SRFTII cinematography course !! he was CRAFT FILM SCHOOL's regular course student.
we are organizing 5-months special classroom coaching for FTII entrance exam -preparation for cinematography course from 14th Aug 2023 where we will be training only 10 students only after WHATS APP VIDEO CALL interviews which are going to be held every week. This interview will be counseling interview in which you can ask your doubts to the course director.
If Interested pl fill out the application form and make the payment of Rs 1,000/-by following link
Details about the Training:
1.This is a 5 months program in Delhi.
2. Teaching plan of 5-days.
DAY-1 Practical classes. from 2.00 pm to 5.00pm -OUTDOOR with Teaching faculty. DAY-2 Practical classes. from 2.00 pm to 5.00pm -OUTDOOR with Teaching faculty. DAY-3 Discusstion of what is being shot with faculty . from 2.00 pm to 5.00pm DAY-4 Practcal Inside the studio with faculty . from 2.00 pm to 5.00pm
DAY-5- Technical theory: 10.30 to 1.00 pm.
a.) Our regular cinematography course is of one year while FTII-coaching is 5-months.
b.) 6-Days workshop on RED/ALEXA camera conducted by Bombay based established cinematographer will not be meant for FTII-coaching students in the 6th month.
c. ) Track Trolley workshop/Crane workshop/HMI WORKSHOP- Will Not Be Meant For FTII-Coaching Students.
d.) After 5-months you will not be Shooting Direction students projects and will be attending the "Show reel making in the afternoon classes, which is meant for Regular one Year Students having Fee of Rs 1,50,000/-
e.) You will be receiving 5-months "Certificate in Cinematography" course while regular students will get one year "PG DIPLOMA" in Cinematography
Course Fee for the COACHING : The total fee in lump sum mode is Rs. 75,000/- In installments, it becomes Rs. 80,000/.
The first installment is 50% of the total fee at the time of submitting the admission form.
1) 25% as 2nd installment, to be paid on 15th SEP 2023.
2) Balance 25% as 3rd installment, to be paid on 15th OCT 2023.
Students who opt for the Installment method needs to deposit the Post Dated Cheque ( PDC ) of the above dates at the time of joining.
If you need more details, pl send an email to........... office@craftfilmschool.com
FTII Entrance exam JET-2023 Coaching.
Interactive Online " CRASH COURSE " of 20 days 40 hours, for JET-2022 to be started exactly 40- days before the exam ( expected to be held ON 18-19 DEC 2022 )
Pl note that there will be Interacting classes only for (1.) Screen Acting (2) Direction & Screenplay writing (3.) Cinematography courses only on alterable days in the evening. Timing will be as follows
Direction & Screenplay: || 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm (Tue , Thur , Sat )
Screen Acting : || 9.00 pm -11.00 pm ( Tue , Thur , Sat )
Cinematography : || 6.30 - 8.30 pm ( Mon-Wed-Fri )
(Total seats 30 each course ). Rs 12,000/- (Rupees Twelve Thousand ).
Click below to Down Load JET-2022 BOOK LET.
Anybody can subscribe at any time to "online video lectures" program of this online interactive classes of 60 Days - 120 Hours ( 20 Days 1 Hrs each for 20 Marks of MCQ + 40 Days 80 Hours domain specific section of 80 Marks( 30 for MSQ) available for private viewing on YouTube. All these links will be sent to the students the next day via mail after the class .
Only Recorded Video lectures of the " Interactive Online Classes" Fee
## You will also get complimentary video recording links of classroom coaching that was held in Feb. 2019 for 20-days 2 hours each of 70 marks Domain specific section of cinematography on the next day after paying the course fee of Rs 10,000/-.
## ) Online Version of the MCQ-BOOK.Pl note that you can directly buy by paying Rs 1,000/-from the link
The Access will be for 1-YEAR . We keep adding around 50-100 new Questions Every month.
Click below to Down Load JET-2022 BOOK LET.
Class 1
Class 2
Day 3
Class 4
Class 5
Here is the list important Cinematographers whose interviews appeared in our "CINEMATOGRAPHY ART MAGAZINE"
Shyam Benegal's Interview On his Cinematogarphers
Interview with Santosh Sivan Cinematographer
Intwerview with Ak Bir.Cinematographer
Interview with FTII ALUMNI cinematographer Sunil sharma
Interview with cinematographer ( dop) anil mehta on shooting beyond the cloud by Majid Majidi
interview with cinematographer ( dop) anil mehta on shooting Highway
dop anil mehta on v k mury memorial lecture
dop anil mehta on shooting badlapur
Here are the Links to Read Best Books on Cinematography.
1. How to Use Color in Film - 50 Examples of Movie Color Palettes