May 09, 2018 Written by Admin 1 News Reporting
Broadcast Journalism Undergraduate
The electronic media have a profound impact on daily life and the future of local and global communities. The School of Communication Electronic Media Program is dedicated to nurturing the aspirations of men and women who seek to dedicate their professional lives to the arts, crafts and businesses of broadcasting and allied fields. Majors study all aspects of television, radio, cable, broadband, and web operations in preparation for careers as electronic media professionals. Three majors and one minor are offered in the Electronic Media Program. The program emphasizes hands-on learning within a multicultural, international context. Students consistently win 1st place awards in regional and national competitions. All Electronic Media students are encouraged to become involved in UMTV (the campus cable television channel is made available to area cable subscribers, the UM campus and over the web) and the student-run radio station, WVUM-FM, serving South Florida. The School's facilities include state-of-the-art, all-digital television and radio studios, digital post-production stations and related capabilities. Learning objectives for each of the three majors in the Electronic Media program should foster critical thinking skills. Our majors develop the intellectual capacity to analyze, evaluate and adapt to an ever-changing media environment. Demonstrate knowledge of the workings of the electronic mass media and be able to identify and describe the impact of historical events, economic factors, technology, audience analysis research, content choices, and regulation of the electronic media industry. This knowledge should be understood within the context of a global and culturally diverse communications environment. • Demonstrate the ability to identify and operate traditional and computer-based audio and video equipment and accompanying software. Students concentrating in electronic media production will demonstrate the ability to produce video programs meeting entry-level professional expectations.
• Demonstrate writing ability at the level required for meeting entry-level professional expectations.
• Demonstrate the development of a professional identity through the ability to articulate and practice the values, ethics, social responsibility, and expectations of the profession. In particular, students should demonstrate an understanding of the principles and laws regarding freedom of expression within a democratic society.
• Demonstrate service to the campus and larger community through participation in the creation and delivery of content for campus and community audiences. The educational objectives of the undergraduate Broadcast Journalism major require Each candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Communication will complete School of Communication requirements including courses in the Required Areas of Study, the second major, and electives sufficient for a total of 66 credits in the liberal arts and sciences.