Apr 04, 2018 Written by Anurag Pant Depth Of Field



1.Depth of field (DOF), also called focus range or effective focus range, is the distance     between the nearest and farthest objects in a scene that appear acceptably sharp in an  image.


2. A camera can only focus its lens at a single point, but there will be an area that stretches in front of and behind this focus point that still appears sharp.


3. It's the size of the imaging sensor inside the camera that makes the difference. The larger the sensor, the shallower the depth of field will be at a given aperture.


4.  Depth of Field can play a large factor in how your image will be rendered and can change the meaning and intention of the image.


5.Using a narrow Depth of Field in a portrait to separate the subject from its background.


6. . Depth of field can be either shallow or deep. Shallow depth of field is the kind in which part of the frame is soft or out of focus.


7.Using a wide Depth of Field when shooting through a frame to insure both the frame and the subject are in focus.


8. One of the most obvious factors to controlling Depth of Field is the aperture. When you have a smaller aperture (larger number) you will have a wide Depth of Field. In this instant you will have a greater distance between the closest and furthest points in an image.


9. When you have a larger aperture (smaller number) you will have a narrower Depth of Field. The blurry parts that are not in focus is called Bokeh, and many people are quite a fan of the way it will render light.


10. The Depth of Field between two identical photos from a full-frame camera and a cropped camera would look the same. Where the blurry line is, is that a full-frame camera has more image in the shot.