Apr 04, 2018 Written by Pawan Negi Depth Of Field



1.When you focus your camera, the area around the focal distance will also be in focus. But this can fall of to blur quickly, or slowly. The acceptable amount of in focus area around what’s you are focusing on is called Depth of Field.


2. .Using a narrow Depth of Field to de clutter a background and focus on the foreground of an image.


3. Using a wide Depth of Field in landscape shots to ensure everything is in focus.


4. Which aperture you choose, which lens you use, what camera you are shooting with and even how close something is to your lens all play a large part of controlling Depth of Field.


5. Depth of field can be either shallow or deep. Shallow depth of field is the kind in which part of the frame is soft or out of focus.


6. Photographers use depth of field to create certain effects and draw the viewer's attention to particular elements of the scene. 


7. The second factor that most affects depth of field is focal length. The longer the lens, the shallower depth of field is. A wide angle lens (a short lens), for instance, would render an image with more depth of field than one with a telephoto lens (a long lens). 


8. Depth of field is not equally distributed in front (near) and behind (far) your focus point. Usually, the far DoF is larger than the near DoF.


9. Depth of field is a function of the camera type (sensor size or film), aperture, focus distance, focal length and the subjective assumptions behind what is considered to be “acceptably sharp”.


10. Think of your lens strength as a limiting factor for your aperture capabilities. The higher the magnification factor, the smaller the depth of field will be, even with large f-stop settings.