Jun 12, 2018 Written by prashasti weeding planing institutes
How to Start a Wedding Planning Business
A wedding planner designs a wedding, keeping in mind a client's requirements and budget. The job explains planning the ceremonies, preparing budgets, helping the client select the venue and even the trousseau. A good planner will work out a theme and design the event, the menu, the invitations and even the décor of the venue around it.
There are so many other sites which will help you to answer the question How to start a wedding planning business with information that we could refer to as the secrets of client’s requirements, but these are a few highlights. Get online and get looking for the best the world of wedding planning has to offer. There are plenty of options out there, and your onlyt limitation is your imagination.
Wedding Planning course is ideal for those who:
If there is a question striking in your mind as how to start a wedding planning business then, firstly you need to have knowledge about the wedding planning. There are so many colleges who are offering this course as their main subjects because even we have realized how fast the wedding industry is growing and the idea of wedding is changing. Now it is more like movie where people are trying to be just like hero and heroines.. So to make them feel special like a star there should be someone who can make a wedding like a star studded movie.
CRAFT FILM SCHOOL will actually help you in giving you an answer on how to start a wedding planning business. There is a 1 month full time course .The total fee in lump sum mode is Rs. 20,000/. You can block seat by paying Rs 5,000 /-balances has to be paid before joining of the course.Then there is a Diploma After 10+2 / P.G diploma after Graduation. There is no minimum percentage required to apply. We offer film related course after 10+2 as well as after graduation.The main difference will be in terms of additional classes on soft skills which will be offered to 10+2 passing out students . If you are 10+2 and join this course your diploma will say “diploma in wedding planning ” and if you are graduate it would be called “P.G. diploma in wedding Planning . ” The course content and class room remains same. Students who are appearing for their 12th/ final year exam of graduation can also apply.
So before giving time on thinking how to start a wedding planning business. Join CRAFT and learn every detail about wedding planning and then you will definitely work as a wedding planner in some firm or on your own.