Event Management - ONLINE

Price: Rs. 9,000



15 Years Old Film School | Also Offers Online Coaching











Greetings from CRAFT Films School !


In any good film school when you study Cinematography, you learn the fundamentals:


  • Sense of composition
  • Technical theory of camera and other equipment
  • Designing the camera movement
  • And most importantly, a basic sense of lighting.


Fundamentals equip you to work on your diploma projects. On course completion it becomes a part of your portfolio to showcase your work as a professional in the Industry or even some small independent projects as DOP.


In the beginning, you would aspire to be hired by an established DOP, with whom you cangain relevant working experience (paid/unpaid). It takes at least 3-5 years of hard work and experience to gain enough confidence to branch out as an independent DOP.


At CRAFT, we offer some of the best industry standard equipment for students to use like the Canon 5D Mark-4 DSLR Camera that is fitted with Luxury series of lenses. Students use these to shoot the Diploma Projects in the 2nd semester. In semster-1 we have 4-days practical and one day theory classes.