Anirudh Gupta

About Anirudh Gupta

It was my dream to be the part of electronic media was always passionate for the way to present news bulletins, sports live broadcasting or can say live production. for that I completed my graduation in mass com. from ignou but that was not sufficient to learn television journalism practically. So finally i decided to join Craft film school{  centre for research in Art of film and television) 

From the first day our director Mr. naresh Sharma motivated us to learn  more practical with theory.

In CRAFT we got classes in 3 most important part of television journalism, editing camera and We attended 5 days classes 2 days for editing 1 day for camera.3 days classes from special guest faculties from various news channels like Aaj Tak Zee,  .. and 1 day special practical class. The out door shoot

I specially thank to our most creative camera and editing faculty .I am also thankful to the guest faculties from different channel Mrs jyoti Dutt Agrawal from Zee news , Mr.Prabhakar Kumar aaj tak, Ms Ruchi aaj tak ,Shrimanta Sharma.Tez to make us capable to be the part of electronic media .

CRAFT provided us the internship opportunity in different news channels. I got the internship in hindi khabar news channel. After 3 month of the internship i am here as a employee in PCR department production control room with the good salary package from last One year and here I am living my dreams .It was only possible because of CRAFT film school.


Feb 5, 2018, 10:56 PM